Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Abbrivations used in ITIL

As we have started learning ITIL, point to remember is there are some short forms of widely usable words, which ITIL learner  should remember,during training you should remember this synonym and acronym, as this will keep on repeating in different topics.

So follow the below given information and try to remember them.


BCM: Business Continuity Management
BIA:Business Impact Analysis
BRM: Business Relationship Management
CAB: Change Advisory Board
CI: Configuration Item
CMDB: Configuration Management Database
CMIS: Capacity Management Information System
CMMI: Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMS: Configuration Management System
COBIT: Control Objectives for Information and related Technology
CRM: Customer Relationship Management
CSI: Continual Service Improvement
DIKW: Data → Information → Knowledge → Wisdom
DML: Definitive Media Library
ECAB: Emergency Change Advisory Board
EFQM: The European Foundation for Quality Management
eSCM–SP: eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers
ISM: Information Security Management
ISMS: Information Security Management System
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
ITSCM: IT Service Continuity Management
ITSM: IT Service Management
ITSMF: IT Service Management Forum
KPI: Key Performance Indicator
MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures
MTBSI: Mean Time Between System Incidents
MTRS: Mean Time to Restore Service
OGC: Office of Government Commerce
OLA: Operational Level Agreement
PBA: Pattern of Business Activity
RACI: An example of an authority matrix: Responsible, Accountable,
Consulted, Informed
RFC: Request For Change
ROI: Return On Investment
SACM: Service Asset and Configuration Management
SCM: Supplier and Contracts Database
SD: Service Design
SDP: Service Design Package
SIP: Service Improvement Plan
SKMS: Service Knowledge Management System
SLA: Service Level Agreement
SLAM: SLA Monitoring
SLM: Service Level Management
SLP: Service Level Package
SLR: Service Level Requirements
SM: Service Management
SO: Service Operation
SOX: Sarbannes–Oxley
SPM: Service Portfolio Management
SS: Service Strategy
ST: Service Transition
TCO: Total Cost of Ownership
TSO: The Stationery Office
UC: Underpinning Contract
VBF: Vital Business Function
VOI: Value Of Investment

Must Read 

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